Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 5

We started with a dfilm website. We made a personal movie.

In week five we were exposed to lots of websites that we could use to make movies, animations and other creative activities. Also there is an activity on microsoft word that could boost spelling and writing. The websites we looked at are all useful because it helps to broaden the creativity of children and broaden activity. These programmes will help students to think of new ways of doing things,solve problems and come up with particular solutions. It will help students to stretch their minds to new ideas.

Movie making is an activity that will bring out self expression. Students will begin to express what they see, hear, feel and think. When children are encouraged to be creative, their imagination increases, they explore and experiment ways they can use objects. They stretch their thinking skills in order to come out with some possible outcomes.Children that grow up with creativity feel good and develop a sense of uniqueness.They develop problem solving skills which helps to expand their cognitive skills as well as their patience which helps in adult life. These activities will help the students to express themselves, explore, imagine and be curious.

Being involved in creative activities helps children to learn and have fun at the same time. For example, lego is an open ended toy that allows children to make use of their imagination.It helps to nurture thier skills as future designers, writers, scientists etc.

During my practical placement I observed that some teachers lack the courage and experience to teach technology and because of that children are not experiencing the fun of creativity in designing and making new things.I hope to use all that I have learnt in learning technology to support students learning, increase their imagination, skills and knowledge.


I have a spelling checker
It came with my pc
It plainly marks my review
Mistakes I cannot see
I strike a key waited
Whether I am right or wrong
It shows me straight away

This is a spelling activity on the microsoft word which could be used to increase the level of students' spelling.